Jumat, 01 Maret 2013

Some quotes and Hadith

Al Iman Ibn Qayyim in his Asbaabut Takhallush minal Hawaa. "Do not get animals the situation is better than you. Because by its nature, animals know what is useful and what is harmful to himself. Prioritize livestock more useful things than things that are harmful. Mankind has given a reason for the difference. If he is not able to distinguish which ones are good and which ones are dangerous men what kind he is. If he knows but prioritizing that endanger their livestock then clearly better than him ".

dhawuh Prophet; "'s eyes are poisoned arrows, arrows of the devil, then whoever glances with cause pleasure of Allah, Allah will make the sweetness in his heart."

From Abu Hurayrah radi 'anhu that the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said:

"The best day in which the sun rises on that day was Friday, the day Adam was created, and on the day Adam was also incorporated into heaven, and descended from heaven, the same day the end will occur, on that day there is a time which is not a believer praying to God expects goodness except Allah will grant permintannya. "(Narrated by Muslim)

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